How to Apply

Ready to upgrade your home’s electrical panel for an electric vehicle charger? We’ll walk you through the process and provide the information you need to receive your Charge Ready Home rebate.

You can apply for a rebate at almost any time in the upgrade process, while you are making plans, during the installation or up to six months after completion. Your application will be considered once the form is submitted, all supporting documents are uploaded and you receive an email confirmation.



Please note: funding is only Reserved for applications that are reviewed and approved by the Program Administrator. Until the application is approved, the funds are considered Pending Review.

Resident Eligibility Requirements

Read more about the eligibility requirements and how residents can qualify in two ways.

To be eligible for the Charge Ready Home rebate, residents must satisfy one of the following:

Qualify for the income-qualified rebate that covers 100% of the upgrade costs (up to $4,200) as a resident in a low-income household, defined as a household earning less than 80% of the area median income (AMI), or participate in at least one public assistance program listed below.


Qualify for the geographic-based rebate that covers 50% of the upgrade costs (up to $2,100) as a resident of a qualifying disadvantaged community (top 25% based on CalEnviroScreen 4.0).

Qualifying Assistance Programs

  • Bureau of Indian Affairs General Assistance
  • CalFresh/SNAP (food stamps)
  • CalWorks (TANF)/tribal TANF
  • Drive Clean in the San Joaquin Replace Program
  • GRID Alternatives prequalification
  • Head Start Income Eligible (tribal only)
  • Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP)
  • Medi-Cal (income-qualified Medi-Cal only)
  • Medi-Cal for Families Program (Healthy Families A&B)
  • Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC)
  • Supplemental Security Income (SSI)

Residents must also meet the following requirements:

  • Be an SCE residential customer — participant must provide their SCE customer account number and service address.
  • Be able to obtain the owner’s approval/authorization for the upgrade/installation if the applicant is not the owner of the residence.
  • Install a new 200-amp panel and a circuit for newly installed 240-volt outlet located within 25’ of a dedicated off-street parking spot (garage, carport, driveway, etc.). Installation must be completed within six months of application approval.
  • Have an original panel that is less than 200 amp.
  • Install a L2 charging station (hardwired or plug-in) within 180 days of receiving the panel upgrade. 

*Resident is not required to own or lease an EV prior to participating in this program.

Start Your Application

Required Documentation

Residents and applicants are required to submit specific permits, itemized invoices, photographs of completed work and other documents to reserve or receive their rebate. To expedite your application process, be sure to upload your legible copies or images in one of these accepted file formats: PDF, JPG, JPEG, PNG, DOC or DOCX. If any of your documents have multiple pages, please combine them into a single file prior to uploading.

Please note, your application is considered submitted once all supporting documentation is successfully uploaded and you receive an email confirmation.

For more details about required supporting documents, please refer to our Sample Supporting Documents PDF.

A copy of the resident's current (not expired) government ID, such as a California driver’s license, should be submitted for proof of identity.

For more details on this required document, please visit our Supporting Documents PDF.

Public Assistance Program (if applicable) - A form demonstrating proof of enrollment in an approved public assistance program at the time you submitted your application for a Charge Ready Home rebate – for example, an award letter or notice of action. The applicant’s name must match the name of the participant enrolled in the eligible public assistance program, and the document must be dated within 12 months of the date of application submission.

Applicants must provide documentation that confirms they were actively enrolled in a qualifying public assistance program at the time of application. Health insurance membership cards are not accepted for this requirement. Click here for a list of eligible public assistance programs.

Household Income Summary Form and Proof of Income Eligibility (Tax Document) - This is the form used to determine household size and the household income at the time of your application. This information will be used to verify if you are eligible for the income-qualified rebate.

Income eligibility is based on your total household income with respect to the area median income of where your residence is located. More information on area median income is available on the FAQs page.

Provide a JPEG, PNG or PDF of all approved permit documentation required by the authority having jurisdiction (AHJ) for completion of electrical panel upgrade project.

An itemized invoice showing eligible project costs per the Implementation Manual. If work is completed as part of a larger project, itemized invoice should clearly denote which costs are being claimed under the Charge Ready Home program.

Provide a JPEG, PNG or PDF that depicts the completed panel installation.

To participate in the Charge Ready Home program, residents must intend to install EV charging in their home within 180 days of receiving the electrical panel upgrade. This document confirms that participating residents understand this requirement of the program and are committed to installing EV charging at their home.

This document must be signed by the same member of the household who submitted the application to the Charge Ready Home program.

For a blank copy of this required document, please visit our Resources page.